Our Services

Serious Injury & ACC Funded Care

tlc4u2 are specialists in caring for those suffering spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries. We can help those facing health crises and times of emergency.

Contact Us

If you have suffered an injury and require Northland ACC funded care, then we can help you. As a Certified Care Provider, tlc4u2 provides our services to clients receiving ACC funding. Our dedicated and caring team has the experience to offer a range of services which fall under ACC, from home help and personal cares to 24/7 care for clients suffering from traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injuries.


Upon receiving a referral from a registered nurse from our team will meet with you to discuss your care requirements. This information will then be used to develop a personal ACC funded care package tailored to assist you on your rehabilitative journey. A carefully matched caregiver or team of caregivers will then be selected to assist you.

At tlc4u2 we are proud to be able to offer all our clients high quality, registered nursing support and back up with regular visits and phone calls. Our services are highly flexible and we can offer you whatever help you need, when you need it.

Should you require some tender loving care as a result of an accident, you can request for tlc4u2 to be your provider.

Relevant Case Study

One day while getting the newspaper John slipped on the wet pavement and fell down a steep bank onto a concrete culvert badly fracturing his lower leg and ankle. John spent weeks in hospital having to go through several surgeries to put pins and plates into his lower leg and being in traction.

When John was finally released home, tlc4u2 identified that John needed extra hand rails in his toilet and bathroom for John to be safe and to become more independent. Liaising with ACC, an Occupational Therapist was organised to assess John’s need’s and the rails were installed. It was also identified that John needed a chair raiser for his armchair enabling him to get in and out of his chair easier.

A physiotherapist was able to provide the tlc4u2 rehab coach training to John’s specific needs. Over the next 8 weeks the tlc4u2 rehab coach supported John with toileting, showering, meal preparation, house cleaning, and assisting John to complete the exercises and stretches as shown by the Physio. By the time 8 weeks had passed John had gained in confidence to the point where he was able to shower and toilet by himself and achieve all his activities of daily living.

John is now back to being an active member of his community and is often seen cycling around town.
